I am leaving town in a couple days and I'm a crafting machine till then. I have a season of the West Wing in tow, hot coffee, my trusty laptop, the couch and my little heater to keep me toasty warm in this drafty house of ours. A few ideas stirring around in my head, I have a couple giveaways and the Pikaland contributions to create for.

This pretty guy above was featured in an Etsy Storque article that ran this morning about Etsy Favorites.
Check it out here.
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Upstate Fancy

I got featured in Upstate Fancy today. Good way to start the day off, I perused the site with my morning cup of coffee and now I'm ready to get some work done. I'm leaving town this Sunday, so trying to minimize the last minute craziness of packing, but trying to get as much painting done as possible beforehand. We're staying with my folks and driving, so I'm packing all my crafting and Etsy merch with me and setting up shop there:)

A a rainy blustry day here in Portland, Oregon. Good hot beverage and stay inside crafting weather, I don't mind one bit.
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Fancy New Cameos

Here are the first batch of the new cameos made with resin!
They look really classy, I'm quite pleased. These five are up in the shop now. I hope you like them:)

More designs coming - bicycle, camera, tea pots, sewing machine, more bunnies...stay tuned.

p.s. I was totally lazy this Halloween, didn't even dress up. Maybe next year.
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