Custom Cameo of Chica the Chihuahua for Cyndie

One of my favorite gifts that I made this year for loved ones, has to be this cameo for a special family friend. Chica is an adored family member, so I knew the recipient would appreciate a painted little portrait of her canine darling for her sweater, and she'd wear it loud and proud.

I got the idea, got excited, then wasn't sure if I could execute it as well as what was in my head. I google image searched chihuahuas till I found one that looked like her and was positioned in a traditional portrait pose. I love the formal bend at the neck pose that this one had, like old senior portraits where everyone wore the same gown top and they had a few poses you could choose from. The 'looking over the shoulder' pose was my favorite. I sketched it out with pencil first, right onto the painted background. Then painted a very tiny loose painting and built upon that with a few more shading layers. Painting for likeness is not my strong suit, but sometimes they just turn out. I like the small scale painting for this style. I'm pondering setting up a swing arm magnifying glass at my workstation in the new house, because the way I find myself hunching over a tiny little piece is going to catch up with me sooner or later. Painting under a magnifying glass would take some getting used to, it seems it would give a weird vertigo effect, but seeing a giant hand would be quite funny. I've already turned this paragraph into something about the new house, that has been pretty much every conversation for the past week with me:)
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It turned out great!

I just love your miniature masterpieces. It's true what they say - good things come in small packages.