Building my website

I'm getting my website design together, it's hard work. Designing pages of content to convey who you are as an artist and that will grow with your style is no easy feat. My husband and I are working on this together, I'm doing the design and he's the coding master mind. Mixing a hand-hewn aesthetic with computer technology can be a magical coupling, the results will be unveiled in the not too distant future. One more step forward to checking off a big chunk of my growing To Do List.

Here's some of the sketches for my navigation bar -

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oh, hello friend. said...

how very fun + exciting! i love building new websites :) i know yours will be lovely with all your artistic abilities and illustrations! can't wait to see the finished site!

Elise of Argyle Whale said...

So familiar this struggle! Yours will be beautiful and It looks like you have a good start.

Sarah Golden/craftyFOLK said...

Thanks guys. I'll announce the launch soon. Back to the laptop and movie watching...I do better work while watching movies:)