I am leaving town in a couple days and I'm a crafting machine till then. I have a season of the West Wing in tow, hot coffee, my trusty laptop, the couch and my little heater to keep me toasty warm in this drafty house of ours. A few ideas stirring around in my head, I have a couple giveaways and the Pikaland contributions to create for.

This pretty guy above was featured in an Etsy Storque article that ran this morning about Etsy Favorites.
Check it out here.
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Anonymous said...

I love your art! I love your
blog site! I am sure you get
it alot but ...I do! Way too
cute! My husband is Japanese
and these little people you
make are so Japanese craftish!
My daughter*7 years old* is
in love with your stuff! She is
always getting on here just to
Rane and Leah

oh, hello friend. said...

ooo have a great time friend! :)
love all the new products!
can't wait to see what's next!