New Stickers & Indie Banditas Bazaar weekend on Bainbridge Island

On Thanksgiving day we drove up to Seattle to catch the ferry out to Bainbridge Island for the Indie Banditas Bazaar. We kinda skipped the whole traditional holiday fare in order to sell craftyFOLK to the masses, meet some cool people and perhaps make some cash. We did go to IKEA the night before Thanksgiving and had a swedish meatball dinner, which we counted as our festive meal, awesome/liberating/slightly depressing all rolled into one. I have mixed feelings about bucking tradition, I miss it when I do. Here are some pics of the trip, all in all, we had a great inspiring time. I wasn't as prepared as I should've been, we got a dead battery, stay in a beautiful guest house, teeth were knocked out (hope you're doing well Brennan), we sold stuff, we made a big decision while driving, we brainstormed a new line to launch in 2010. Wowza, onto Christmas! (I haven't even started)

Seriously under caffeinated and tired I am here, I'm a fantastic actor with that smile.

Johnny Depp running my booth:) Jacob gets the Johnny comment at least a few times a week. I cut his hair yesterday, so that might hurt his average now.

My new stickers!

I've put the sticker sets in the shop. Each set of 12 cut your own stickers, Leica camera, vintage typewriter, and hello and thank you bear designs. Set of all 3 packs available for a discount here.
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