Sundays are pretty cool.

I've really embraced the idea of Sundays being a day off, more of a mental day off than physical. I can work, lay around, stay in my pajamas all day, get up early or sleep past noon if I care to, whatever goes. Sundays are my day to not feel guilty about not doing enough, or just the feeling of not doing enough. I have also made it my day not to worry about money. I've been looking for a part-time job to feed my starving bank account, though the options are quite dim. I've applied for many less than savory jobs and not one bite, I've interviewed for one that I knew I'd be great at, but no dice it seems. It seems I'm either over or under qualified, I'm not looking for a career. Us artists need their time to create, all I want is a flexible steady slightly anonymous job that doesn't require customer service. I depleted my customer service reserves years ago. Anyone else in the same boat?

On a side note, I love Craftopolis that checks if you're in any Treasuries.
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1 comment:

Andrea said...

thanks for the link to craftopolis, this is the first time i've seen it.
look forward to making it to one of your live shows sometime soon.