Working and Expanding

I'm training myself to approach my daily work in a different way. I tend to focus only on the immediate tasks, living/working only in the present doesn't seem to suit my future too well. How am I ever going to reach those loftier goals if I only have my orders filled, workspace organized, inventory at a decent level, etc...? So, I've decided to start working on those "someday" or "wouldn't it be great if" projects even when everything else is not done, because it never is. I've started a list of "awesome things I want to happen" and I'm researching and working on them in tandem with the everyday upkeep.

Onwards and upwards!
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1 comment:

Kate said...

I was SO excited to get your package and the signed record. I just wish I still had a record player!! You already sold some postcards. Send more more more!!